

... to the webpage devoted to the activities of our working group at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering. We have been conducting research in the fields of mathematical physics, mathematical biology, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and also others where a rigorous mathematical approach is desirable in order to analyze up-to-date problems in physical and technical sciences. We prefer analytic and algebraic methods to numerical analysis since the former provide much deeper insight and understanding to a problem, although very often they lead „only“ to qualitative or asymptotic results. Our another motivation is the need for mathematical models derived from first principles of physical theories. From the current research interests, let us mention toy models of relativistic and non-relativistic quantum systems, chemical kinetics, pattern formation in biology, spectral geometry, spectral theory of linear operators, or representation theory of groups and algebras.

Stay with us!

Yours MAFIA Group


Remembering prof. Miloslav Havlíček

With great regret we announce that our colleague, beloved teacher, mathematician, physicist, and former dean of our faculty during the period 1990–1994 and 2000–2006 passed away on September 4th.

Students summer school "MAFIA and friends" (June 24-27, 2024)

We are preparing another continuation of the traditional summer school/students' scientific conference, this year in Děčín. To register, please contact F. Štampach.

XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (Prague, July 24-28)

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to The XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries. As a sub-event we will host XXVII. International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries. The event will be held at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Studentská konference "Metody algebry a funkcionální analýzy v aplikacích 2023"
(May 15-18, 2023)

Challenges in Spectral Theory of Differential Operators (Graz, December 18-22)

We coorganize a conference that aims to bring together researchers working in functional analysis, spectral theory, differential operators, PDEs, and mathematical physics.

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics IXX (September 6 - 9, 2022)

At our department, we coorganize a conference that aims to bring together scientists working in various areas of applied mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, with an emphasis on but not limited to modern developments in quantum physics.

Congratulations to our member Romana Kvasničková

who was awarded the Hanzl prize as the best FNSPE student of the year 2021.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematics

We invite applications for a research postdoctoral position in Mathematics within the scope of the project New challenges for spectral theory: geometry, artificial materials and complex fields, with a special emphasis put on phenomena encountered in the newly developing field of relativistic quantum mechanics with non-Hermitian operators. The position is for six months, starting ideally before the end of 2021.

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XVIII (ONLINE, September 1-3)

We coorganize a confrence that aims to bring together scientists working in various areas of applied mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, with an emphasis on but not limited to modern developments in quantum physics.

Studentská konference "Kombinatorika na slovech a matematická fyzika 2021"
(June 15-18, 2021)

Joint European Thermodynamics Conference (Prague, July 14-18)

We proudly coorganize a conference on immense range of applications of thermodynamics.

The Rektorys competition (Novemeber 20, 2020)

Students of our department dominated a student's competiton in the applied math. A member of our group, Lukáš Heriban, was awarded First prize.

Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators: 10 years after (February 1-5, 2021)

The meeting initially planned for March has been canceled, rescheduled, and canceled again-all due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Finally, it will be held in a hybrid mode in February 2021!

VA$^2$MP (September 2-3, 2020)

We coorganize a small meeting of mathematical physicists working currently in the Czech Republic.

MAFIA seminar is back

After a short break, due to COVID-19, there will be a seminar on June 30!

Seminar cancellations

We are sorry to inform you that seminars scheduled on March 10,17,24,31 and April 7 are cancelled.

Dr. Tho Nguyen Duc on board

We proudly announce that Dr. Tho Nguyen Duc joined our ranks as a postdoctoral researcher on January 1, 2020.

Dr. František Štampach on board

We proudly announce that Dr. František Štampach joined our ranks as a research assistant on January 1, 2020.

Congratulations to our member Tereza Kurimaiová

who was awarded the Hanzl prize as the best FNSPE student of the year 2019. TK

Congratulations to our member Václav Klika

whose project Multiscale thermodynamics: boundary conditions, integration and application has been approved by the Czech Science Foundation.

Congratulations to our member David Krejčiřík

whose EXPRO project New challenges for spectral theory: geometry, artificial materials and complex fields has been approved by the Czech Science Foundation.

Mathematical models for interacting dynamics on networks

We took part in COST (European Cooperation in Science & Technology) project no. CA18232.

Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators: 10 years after (March 23-27, 2020)

We coorganize an international conference on “Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators" in Marseille, France.

Studentská konference "Kombinatorika na slovech a matematická fyzika 2019" (26.-30.5. 2019)

Shape optimization with surface interactions (June 17-21, 2019)

We coorganize an international conference on “Shape optimization with surface interactions" in San Jose, California.

Conference to celebrate 80th jubilee of Miroslav Grmela (May 18-19, 2019)

...will be coorganized by MAFIA at our faculty in Břehová street.

Integrable systems 2019

Studentská konference "Kombinatorika na slovech a matematická fyzika 2018"

Summer school in Dubna (August 5 - 10, 2018)

We coorganize an international summer school on “Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics: Integrable and Stochastic Systems" in Dubna (Russia).

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XV (September 10 - 13, 2018)

The regular Doppler institute microconference will take place at our math department in Trojanova street 13, Prague!


Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIV (September 11 - 14, 2017)

The regular Doppler institute microconference will take place at our math department in Trojanova street 13, Prague!

Studentská konference "Matematické metody v teorii pevných látek"

Integrable systems 2017

Týden vědy a techniky

Dne 10.11. 2016 od 13:00 přednese David Krejčiřík v rámci Týdne vědy a techniky příspěvek s názvem Stabilita hmoty aneb Jak klasická fyzika selhala ve vysvětlení existence našeho světa a jak to kvantová mechanika napravila. Nezapomeňte si rezervovat místo!

Dr. David Krejčiřík on board

We proudly announce that Dr. David Krejčiřík joined our ranks on September 1, 2016.

Dubna School, July 30-August 8

The International School Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics: Integrable and Stochastic Systems is co-organized by the Faculty of Nuclear Sciencies and Physical Engineering CTU in Prague (prof. Burdík).

Studentská konference "Kombinatorika na slovech a matematická fyzika"

XXIIIth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (2015)

Studentská konference "Metody algebry a funkcionální analýzy v aplikacích"

Selected Topics in Mathematical and Particle Physics Prague 2014

One of our members (prof. Burdík) is a co-organizer of this mini symposium.

XXIIth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (2014)

For this year (2014) we again organize another continuation of this conference series.

Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics 2014

For the year 2014 we are preparing a brand new conception of our section in this students conference. Click here for more information (in czech).

XXIth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (2013)

We proudly announce that we organize another continuation of this conference series.

Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics 2013

Our group is again co-organizing the students conference Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics.

Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics 2012

Our group is preparing its own section at the conference Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics that takes place at Svatý Jan pod Skalou, Czech Republic, during May 12–19, 2012. The list of participants and abstracts may be downloaded here.

XXth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries

We proudly announce that we organize XXth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries in Prague during June 17-23, 2012.

Nový předmět na KM-Diferenciální počet na varietách

Do letního semestru akademického roku 2010/11 bude prvně zařazen zbrusu nový předmět Diferenciální počet na varietách. Anotaci si můžete prohlédnout zde a svou účastí se můžete spolupodílet na dalším směrování předmětu.

XIXth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries

We proudly announce that we organize XIXth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries in Prague during June 17-19, 2010.

Hilbert Space Operators in Quantum Physics

The second edition of this excellent monograph by J. Blank, P. Exner, and M. Havlíček was recently published (2010).

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Trojanova 13, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
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