This page was last modified: March 17 2025 10:58:09.
Starting from September 2022 our seminar will usually take place on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 13:00 in the room T212 in the FNSPE building in Trojanova street.
April 1, 12:00 A. Celentano Shape optimization and related problems
December 17, 12:00 L. Roncal Hardy's inequality for the fractional powers of a discrete Laplacian
November 26, 12:00 A. Shalukhina The Maximal Operator, the Variable $L^{p(\cdot)}$, and the Bizarre Geometry of Spaces of Homogeneous Type
November 19, 12:00 Y. Zhang Optimization of Robin Laplacian eigenvalue with~indefinite weight in spherical shell
November 12, 12:00 C. Warnick (In)stability of quasinormal frequencies of black holes
November 5, 12:00 F. Chiacchio Symmetrization for Nonlinear Robin Problems
September 10, 12:00 A. Arnal Adjoint pairs of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials
September 2, 14:30, T301 N. Weber Weakly coupled bound states of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials in one and two dimensions
June 20 (Thursday), 12:00, T301 C. Stelzer-Landauer Approximation of Dirac operators with $\delta$-shell potentials: Explicit conditions, counterexamples and semi-local potentials
June 18, 12:00 D.T. Nguyen Blow-up of two-dimensional attractive Bose-Einstein condensates at the critical rotational speed
March 26, 12:00 F. Sk On Morrey's inequality in fractional Sobolev spaces
March 19, 12:00 S.E. Boutiah Elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients
March 7, 14:00 (!) J.M. Pérez-Pardo Controlling the state of a quantum particle in a box by moving the walls
March 5, 12:00 B. Helffer Quantum tunneling in deep potential wells and strong magnetic field
January 10, 14:00 (!) M. Vogel Spectral properties of Robin-Laplacians acting on non-smooth domains and Schrodinger operators with $\delta'$-potentials
January 9, 12:00 D. Buoso Spectral convergence analysis for the Reissner-Mindlin system
October 19, 13:15 K. Scarbrough Canonical systems, comparison results, and the essential spectrum
March 30, 13:15 (online) B. Cassano Location of eigenvalues of non-self-adjoint discrete Dirac operators and Lamé operators
March 9, 13:15 (online) M. Holzmann Self-adjointness and spectral properties of Dirac operators with electrostatic and Lorentz scalar delta-shell interactions supported on curves in $\mathbb{R}^2$
February 16, 13:15 (online) A. Arnal Perez Resolvent estimates for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with complex potentials
September 29, 13:15 M. Fialová Aharonov–Casher theorem for a plane domain with holes with the APS boundary condition
June 30, 13:15 T. Nguyen Duc Magnetic WKB constructions on a surface
June 9, 13:15 (CANCELLED!) J.M. Pérez-Pardo Representation of non-semibounded quadratic forms and orthogonal additivity.
September 26, 9:30 W. Cegla Notes on lattice structures in the space-time
June 26, 10:00 D. Krejčiřík The Cheeger constant and why one should avoid corners
May 31, 9:30 V. Košař Hamiltoniány s konstantními spektrálními mezerami a časově závislou poruchou
January 11, 11:30 M. Tušek
A New Estimate on the Two-Dimensional Indirect Coulomb Energy
December 14, 11:50 H. Lavička
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process in 2D: dense crowd dynamic.
December 14, 11:30 A. Bezubik On spherical expansions of zonal functions on complex spheres and some of
its applications.
November 23, 11:30 P. Siegel On the similarity of Sturm-Liouville operators with non-Hermitian boundary
conditions to self-adjoint and normal operators
November 16, 11:30 J. Fuksa O konvergenci diskrétních transformací Fourierova typu
October 26, 11:30 F. Štampach O zavedení determinantu pro operátory z p-Schattenovy třídy a Lidského
September 7, 9:30 R. Olkiewitz An introduction to noncomutative Markov semigroups
June 22, 10:00 W. Cegła Orthomodular lattice in Minkowski space-time
June 15, 10:00 G. Malenová Asymptotické chování rovnice vedení tepla ve zkroucených vlnovodech
May 12, 15:30 (!) H. Šediváková Effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides and when it does not work
May 5 Z. Kabát Aplikace umbrálního počtu k diskretizaci integrabilních systémů
April 14 T. Kalvoda O absolutní spojitosti spektra a asymptotice zobecněných vlastních vektorů jistých Jacobiho operátorů
April 7 Z. Kabát Konstrukce klasických ortogonálních polynomů v diskrétní proměnné
March 31 F. Štampach O limitních bodech vlastních čísel posloupnosti ořezaných Jacobiho matic
October 14 P. Prešnajder Oscilátorové realizace reprezentací grupy SU(2,2)
September 29 V. N. Tolstoy q-Analog of Gelfand–Graev basis for the noncompact quantum algebra U_q(u(n,1))
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Trojanova 13, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic